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Tagged: Jewelry Tech

Below you will find content on the site that is "tagged" with the topic: Jewelry Tech.

Fine Jewelry University

  1. Early attempts at making lab grown diamonds

    How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

    The dream of making a beautiful and valuable diamond from simple carbon has long captivated the imagination of scientists and visionaries alike. Just like the alchemists of old who sought to turn lead into gold, many have tried to achieve this impressive feat. We have only recently been able to produce gem quality, lab grown diamonds that are large enough to be used in jewelry. But, how is it done? Early Efforts Throughout history, many people have claimed to have successfully synthesized diamonds. However, it was not until relatively recently... read more »

  2. Lab grown synthetic diamond Type IIa tester with diamond

    How to Tell If a Diamond Is Natural or Lab Grown

    How can I know if my diamond is real? This is a question we get all the time, and it’s not as simple as you might think. First, you have to decide what “real” means. If you are not familiar with lab grown diamonds, you might want to check out our introduction to lab grown and synthetic diamonds before continuing with this article. So, now you know that lab grown diamonds are just as real as natural diamonds, but we still want to be able to tell them apart. When... read more »

  3. Lasers are now used for jewelry repair

    Laser Jewelry Repair

    When you hear laser you probably think of blowing things up (all you sci-fi people) or high tech scientific experiments or even crazy villains trying to take over the world with a “laser”. One of the last things you think a laser can do is to work on your intricate jewelry. Well, laser technology is making it possible to work on jewelry that once was impossible to fix or too costly to fix. Now Arden Jewelers has a powerful laser to repair our customer’s jewelry. Lasers can repair an antique... read more »

Blog Posts

  1. Now you can text Arden Jewelers

    Now You Can Text Your Jeweler, OMG!

    Wouldn’t it be nice if the companies you work with could be more like your friends? If you have a quick question for a friend, you don’t send them an email and get back an automated response saying they have received your message and will respond within 24-48 business hours. You don’t call them and wait on hold to some sweet elevator music. No, you just shoot them a quick text. Now, you can do the same with Arden Jewelers! We have recently enabled texting on our main phone number... read more »

  2. Lab grown loose diamonds

    Lab Grown Diamonds

    Today, we're announcing an exciting new choice you have for your diamond engagement ring. Lab grown diamonds have been around for decades, but only recently have they become available in high enough quality to be used in jewelry. We'll tell you all about them and explain why you might consider one for your engagement ring. We're also very excited to unveil our new line of eco-friendly lab grown diamond engagement rings called Balance... read more »