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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “How much for 14kp ring”

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  1. Three loose rubies in a row triangle oval and pear shaped

    Gem in the Spotlight: Ruby

    For much of human history, rubies have been the most prized gemstone. But, what is it about this red gem that has captivated …notes on their durability, which means that their physical properties have been known well for over 2,000 years. For much of human history, rubies have been the most prized gemstone. The ruby has always been a symbol of love, charity, and… believed to protect the wearer from injury and to keep them safe and healthy. Many cultures believed that wearing rubies in battle made warriors invincible and protected them from harm. Innumerable powers have been associated with the …

  2. Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story

    … price. Just a one carat gem could cost $3,000 and more. Most of the time people don’t wear them as an engagement ring where people can spend over $10,000 routinely. The answer was to find a less expensive way to have these gems. It took … that kind of money to make a synthetic gem is because it is very good. These high priced synthetic gems look very much like the nature gems. The color and sparkle of these synthetics look like the best nature can produce. This is …

  3. A group of alexandrite jewelyr and loose gems shown in different light to demonstrate color change

    Gem in the Spotlight: Alexandrite

    … fluorescent light has a stronger greenish-blue component, the stone appears greener. Under candlelight, which has a much stronger red/orange component, the stone will appear redder. Alexandrite has a refractive index of 1.746-1.755 with … alexandrite’s tremendous value and rarity, it is recommended to be worn carefully or put in jewelry such as earrings or pendants that are less prone to impacts than rings, for example. Alexandrite isn’t the only stone to display color-…

  4. Evaluating inherited estate jewelry can be tricky

    How to Value Inherited Jewelry

    … means that the current owner could only find a willing buyer at that price. So, how can we fairly determine how much a piece of jewelry is worth? The Standards of Jewelry Value The standard of value establishes the dollar value of a … this one type of appraisal. It produces the highest price for jewelry value. It is a theoretical value based on how much it would cost to replace the jewelry item with a new one. It is not the value of the jewelry itself, but what a new …

  5. See the Star White Gold difference

    Star White Gold

    … grade 1 is premium. This means that when white gold is made, it can be yellowish to light yellow. When white gold rings are new they are coated with a white metal called rhodium. Rhodium is a metal very similar to platinum and rhodium …? Because they don’t know what the true color of the jewelry is when they buy it. I have seen a yellow gold ring heavily plated to look white. This was a true 14 karat yellow gold made to look white and it worked for a while. What the …

  6. Single white round pearl on white background

    Gem in the Spotlight: Pearl

    … changed hands many times, and was owned by several famous figures, including Napoleon III and Elizabeth Taylor. During Taylor’s ownership, the pearl was set into a necklace designed by Cartier, which also included diamonds and rubies. … once part of a larger piece of jewelry that also included the Hope Diamond, and that the two gems were separated during the French Revolution. Today, the Hope Pearl is owned by a private collector and is occasionally displayed at museums…

  7. Collection of sapphire jewelry and loose sapphire gemstones in many colors

    Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire

    … sacred and was worn by priests to show their connection to the sky and heaven. Sapphires were set in the Bishop’s ring as a symbol of unity between the priest, the sky and heaven. Sapphire has been associated with divine favor. The … Anglo-Saxons from 1042-1066, met a beggar one day. King Edward had nothing of value on him except for his sapphire ring, which he generously gave to the beggar. The beggar was really a messenger from God, who later returned the ring to …

  8. Collection of many different styles of jewelry clasps laid out together

    Types of Jewelry Clasps

    …production of jewelry, and the demand for simpler, more affordable clasps grew. This led to the development of the spring ring clasp, which is still widely used today. The spring ring clasp features a small, spring-loaded mechanism that …. Other types of jewelry clasps that emerged in the 20th century include the lobster clasp, which features a spring-loaded mechanism that opens and closes by pressing a small lever, and the toggle clasp, which consists of a bar that …

  9. Old mine cut diamond example

    The History of Diamond Cuts

    … experience to get the job done right. The point cut diamond is likely where the tradition of the diamond engagement ring began. Mary of Burgundy became the first to receive a diamond engagement ring. Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave … and regional reasons. The unfortunate result of this in both the past and present is that it makes diamonds that much harder to understand. That’s why we at Arden Jewelers always strive to use standard, easy to understand names instead …