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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Selling jewelry”

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  1. How to Sell Jewelry on eBay and Other Websites

    Safeguards and presentation are critical when selling jewelry online Take a few great photos of your jewelry from different angles. Think about how you want to present your … other checks as well). Make sure their funds have cleared your bank. Take the time to understand all the rules. If selling jewelry online isn’t for you, visit Arden Jewelers and get a free evaluation of the jewelry you want to sell. If you like our…

  2. Purple peace sign

    How to Sell Jewelry on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace

    Selling jewelry on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and other online local classified sites is a great way to get cash for your …, they may be able to pick that up in time to help you not get ripped off. Fraud should be next on your mind when selling jewelry through online classifieds Cash is usually the best payment method. Checks of all kinds (personal, cashiers checks, … angles and include them in your ad. If possible, have a professional ready to verify the jewelry‘s value. If selling jewelry on Craigslist or Marketplace isn’t something you want to do, come by Arden Jewelers for a free value appraisal of your …

  3. Get more cash for your gold and jewelry from Arden Jewelers

    How to Sell Your Jewelry

    … estate jewelry and reach out to them. Common Mistakes Jewelry Sellers Can Make Safeguards are critical when selling jewelry to the public. First NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, and NEVER meet an unknown buyer in your house. Personal safety and protection … is not an everyday experience. Enjoy the adventure and learn some new skills. One very positive side effect of selling jewelry is you will learn how to evaluate jewelry. You will become a very wise jewelry buyer. Enjoy the journey. If you would …

  4. Evaluating inherited estate jewelry can be tricky

    How to Value Inherited Jewelry

    …When a loved one passes away, among all of the other challenges and difficulties, there comes the need to divide the jewelry portion of the estate. Arriving at a fair and equitable division can be tricky, but this article should help guide … prefer more personalized information, please feel free to reach out to us . We offer a free consultation where our jewelry experts will sit down with you and explain the different types of value and how they relate to your particular …

  5. Brands and Designer Jewelry

    Status, style, and quality are the three attributes that luxury jewelry brands are known for. Jewelry brands or designers have a high standard to live up to or they are abandoned. There is… and last for years, but if it goes out of fashion, people won’t generally want to wear it. It is important that a jewelry brand changes to avoid becoming dated. Some jewelry designers can adapt, others cannot. When a designer brand cannot …. What makes a top jewelry designer is staying in style from year to year and decade to decade. Quality Luxury brand jewelry must keep its promise to the customer to deliver a superior product. This is a no compromise area. The jewelry must …

  6. Lasers are now used for jewelry repair

    Laser Jewelry Repair

    …take over the world with a “laser”. One of the last things you think a laser can do is to work on your intricate jewelry. Well, laser technology is making it possible to work on jewelry that once was impossible to fix or too costly to fix. …antique enameled pin without damaging the enamel or leaving visible signs of the restoration work. Our laser can fix jewelry without removing the stones or running the risk of solder flowing into the hinge and destroying its mobility. …

  7. Jewelry solder is different than normal jewelry metals

    Jewelry Solder: What You Should Know

    Solder is the unseen “glue” that holds most jewelry together. If you have ever had a ring sized, a chain repaired, or your wedding set joined together, you have very … seen solder in action. But, what is solder and how is it different than the rest of the metal that makes up your jewelry? What is Solder? To answer this question we first have to understand metal alloys. If you haven’t already, now would be… metals in different combinations called alloys. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus our discussion on gold jewelry, but the same concepts also apply to silver and platinum as well. If your ring is made out of 14 karat gold, you know …

  8. Retipping is an important jewelry repair technique

    Jewelry Repair FAQ

    Here you will find answers for all of your jewelry repair related questions. If you have a question that you don’t see answered here, please contact us and let us know… fell out of my ring. Will the new stone match the old one? We get this question all the time. People want their jewelry to look just the way it did before a gemstone fell out; who wouldn’t? That’s why we have literally 100s of carats of …, and we are normally able to find something that is quite similar to the original. So, that beautiful piece of jewelry you love can look just the way it used to again. What is retipping, and why do I need it? In a large number of jewelry

  9. Caring for and Cleaning Your Jewelry

    How to Clean Jewelry A diamond’s spectacular beauty is due to its light show. Diamonds make light reflect, show its many colors, and … stops the light show. Dust and dirt stick to the grease and oils creating a lifeless diamond. Cleaning your diamond jewelry at home is simple and rewarding. Use a soft toothbrush and mild soap then rinse thoroughly with warm water. The key … bounce upward. The diamond may need to be scrubbed several times before all the build up is removed. Some don’ts of jewelry cleaning. Never use chlorine or products that contains it. Don’t use a hard toothbrush because they tend to scratch …