The Time to Sell Your Gold Is Now
I’ve said it before, but it’s still true today. Gold prices are high, and now is a great time to get some extra cash out of that old jewelry that just sits in the drawer collecting dust. I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials on TV about all of the new company’s springing up that suddenly buy gold. If you feel uncomfortable sending your valuable jewelry away to some company you’ve never heard of before (and I can’t say I blame you), come on by Arden Jewelers and we’ll examine your jewelry while you wait so it never leaves your sight. We have been in the jewelry buying business for over 20 years, and we always treat you with respect and dignity.
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I have a lot of what some might call “junk jewelry”.
How do I determine what’s gold and what’s not?
Hi Joan, thanks for reaching out. That’s a good question. The easiest way is to take your jewelry to a gemologist buyer, like us :), who can quickly sort through it for you. There are also some things you can check at home (is it magnetic, is it stamped, etc.), but that typically requires a bit of training to make sure you’re separating things correctly.