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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Natural golden sapphire”

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  1. Collection of sapphire jewelry and loose sapphire gemstones in many colors

    Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire

    Few gems capture the imagination as does sapphire. Sapphire‘s beauty inspired people to wonder. Ancient cultures had many lore and beliefs about the sapphire. The … the earth rested on a giant sapphire whose reflection gave the sky its color. Ancient priests and sorcerers honored sapphire above all gems, for this stone enabled them to interpret oracles and foretell the future. Symbolizing truth, … partners put great faith in the stone. If its luster dimmed, one knew his or her spouse had been unfaithful. Sapphire refused to shine when worn by the wicked or impure. Known as the celestial gemstone, the sapphire has been treasured for …

  2. Lab grown synthetic diamond Type IIa tester with diamond

    How to Tell If a Diamond Is Natural or Lab Grown

    …synthetic diamonds before continuing with this article. So, now you know that lab grown diamonds are just as real as natural diamonds, but we still want to be able to tell them apart. When it comes to diamond simulants like Cubic Zirconia (… they aren’t diamonds. But, with lab grown diamonds, the chemical structure and properties are all the same as natural diamond, so it becomes much more difficult to differentiate them. Responsible Disclosure The first thing to realize is …

  3. Unique inclusion in a lab grown diamond

    What Are Lab Grown Diamonds?

    …. Simulants are gems that look like a real, natural gem but are actually another material. So, a clear or white sapphire can be a diamond simulant because it looks like a diamond. That white sapphire can be natural or, here’s the trick, …natural vs synthetic), but that it is a substitute that looks like another gem. So, we can say that a man-made white sapphire is a “synthetic sapphire” or that it can be used as a “diamond simulant,” but it would be incorrect to say that it …

  4. Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story

    Ruby, sapphire, emerald and alexandrite are very beautiful gems and very rare in their stunning beauty. These four gems have been … thousands of years. But, what if anyone could own them? At gem shows and museums, I have seen jaw dropping rubies, sapphires and emeralds. These gems in high quality have put ownership beyond most people to justify the price. Just a one …to positively identify as synthetic. Both, I feel, are impossible to identify in a piece of jewelry. Synthetic ruby, sapphire, alexandrite and emerald are very complex because there are different ways to make them. The inexpensive way to make…

  5. Group of loose spinel gemstones with finished jewelry

    Gem in the Spotlight: Spinel

    … out of the shadows and be appreciated in its own right, and we can see why. Its colors rival even the best rubies, sapphires, tourmalines, and other more popular gems. For only the 3rd time in the last one hundred years, the industry is … of all time. Spinel was first made in a lab over 100 years ago when scientists who were trying to synthesize blue sapphire wound up creating spinel by mistake. Since then many processes have been used and perfected to create spinel in even …

  6. A group of alexandrite jewelyr and loose gems shown in different light to demonstrate color change

    Gem in the Spotlight: Alexandrite

    Emerald by day, ruby by night, more expensive than diamond and more illustrious than sapphire, emerald, or even ruby, alexandrite has been known around the world as one of the most sought-after gems for the … isn’t the only stone to display color-change phenomena. There are color-change varieties of many gems including sapphire, tourmaline, spinel, garnet, etc. Alexandrite is, however, the most famous for it. It is so famous, in fact, that color-… of 8.5. Because of its high hardness, alexandrite is suitable for everyday wear. That being said, because of natural alexandrite’s tremendous value and rarity, it is recommended to be worn carefully or put in jewelry such as earrings or …

  7. Group of loose topaz gems and topaz jewelry

    Gem in the Spotlight: Topaz

    … difficult it is to scratch something. For reference, topaz is a bit softer than diamond which is a 10 and corundum (sapphire/ruby) which is a 9 on the scale. It is a bit harder than emerald at 7.5-8 and quartz which comes in at 7. Here are … with all the colors at once.” And of course, all of them are right. History and Lore Topaz in its pure form is naturally colorless, clear like a diamond. The famous “Braganza Diamond” was thought to be the largest diamond ever found (prior …

  8. Beautiful iolite jewelry and loose gemstones

    Gem in the Spotlight: Iolite

    …near the top of the list. Iolite’s color range of blue, blue-violet, and violet competes for public attention with sapphire, tanzanite, and amethyst. They may have name recognition, but iolite has a rich, unique color and great gem value on …. The Gemology of Iolite Iolite is the gem variety of the mineral Cordierite. Iolite was once known as a “water sapphire”. Dichroite is another synonym for iolite. Dichroite is a Greek word which loosely translates as two-colored rock. This …

  9. Rough lab grown man made diamonds

    Is a Lab Grown Diamond Right for Me?

    … of misinformation and paranoia both from inside the trade and from outside observers. I have heard people say that natural diamonds come with a 400% mark up, or that most mined diamonds are conflict diamonds (both wild falsehoods). On the … consumers’ minds. While the real world issue is not nearly as severe as many people believe it is (over 99.9% of natural diamonds are conflict free, and you can buy verifiable Canadian diamonds of known origin if you want), it is still …