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Blog Posts matching: “Selling pink diamond pendant”

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  1. Perspective – Is Selling Gold Jewelry on Craigslist Worth it?

    … gas?” “Sell my jewelry to a jewelry store, or try to get more on Craigslist?”. So, which one should you chose? Selling your jewelry for retail prices on Craigslist and other online local classified sites can sometimes get you 10-35% more, … bad guys are out trying to steal things like jewelry. So the question is: is the little bit more that you can make selling it to a stranger worth the time and risk? We can’t answer that for you, but if you do decide to take the risk and …

  2. The Argyle diamond mine in Australia

    The World’s Largest Diamond Mine is Shutting Down

    The Argyle mine in Australia is the world’s largest single source of diamonds and accounts for over 90% of the global supply of pink diamonds. In 2020, the mine is set to cease operations and …. The question we’re all asking now is: what impact will this have on diamond prices? Is Now the Time to Buy Diamonds? Whether you’ve had the mis fortune of sitting through an introductory economics course or not you know the basic rules of …, prices will tend to increase and visa-versa. So, what effect will the closure of the Argyle mine have on global diamond supply? If you have your heart set on a natural pink diamond, we can only expect the prices to go up from here. The …

  3. This logo is copyrighted by KCRA or its parent company. Intended only as fair use.

    KCRA 3 Visits Arden Jewelers

    Arden Jewelers was recently featured in a KCRA channel 3 news broadcast on the growing trend of gold selling parties. The reporter came by with jewelry to sell in order to test the claim that people could get more money for … higher than the price offered at the gold party. The story even featured some of the advice we gave the reporter on selling gold. It’s important to realize that jewelry is more than just scrap metal. Unlike the gold buyers at the party, our…

  4. How to Sell Your Jewelry

    Selling jewelry is not a skill that comes naturally to most people. There can be a lot of money tied up in old, estate … of being taken advantage of is high. To help, I’ve put together an in-depth article on the art of successfully selling jewelry. Here are some of the key points that you shouldn’t try to sell your jewelry without knowing. The determining … gems. The best cleaning tip is to know for certain the best cleaners to use on your jewelry and do it carefully. Selling estate jewelry is the art of compromise. There is a balance between dollar paid and quickness of payment and ease of …

  5. When a gemologist buyer may pay less for your jewelry

    Why Would a Gemologist Pay Less for Your Jewelry?

    …. One example of this happened a few years ago. A local jeweler who also buys from the general public had a large diamond (about 3 carats) come in his door. He was very excited to buy the gem and came to us that same day to get an appraisal…the same diamond early that day and offered half as much. I asked the jeweler if he noticed the color and cut of the diamond, and he said: “Yes, it is an excellent cut and fine color like an H.” In reality, the diamond was a P color which is…

  6. Fancy red diamond

    Fancy Color Diamonds

    When we think of diamonds, we often imagine brilliantly white gemstones. But every so often, a diamond will come out of the ground in vivid …of the total number of rough diamonds that are mined. Because of this, they are often far more expensive than normal diamonds. The range of colors in hue and intensity takes most people by surprise. The intensity of color in fancy color …, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Intense, Fancy Vivid, Fancy Dark, and Fancy Deep. The value of any fancy color diamond is determined by its rarity, hue, intensity of color, size, clarity, and cut. Here’s a quick run down of the main fancy…

  7. News 10 Gold Investment Story at Arden Jewelers

    News 10 Gold Investment Story at Arden Jewelers

    A few days ago, with the debt ceiling deadline looming and gold reaching record highs, a news crew from KXTV channel 10 paid us a visit to get an inside look at precious metals (gold, silver, etc.) as an investment opportunity. Check out the story right here, or you can watch it on the News 10 website. Since that story aired, gold has shattered it’s previous record highs and reached over $1,780 per ounce! The current gold market is very volatile, showing large changes in price throughout the course of

  8. Morganite set in rose gold

    Learn about Morganite and Jewelry Allergies

    …we want to do more than that. Which is why we created the Fine Jewelry University . There, you can learn about gold, diamonds, gemstones, buying, selling, cleaning, and just about anything else related to jewelry from GIA trained, battle-…. We have recently added two new articles for you to checkout: What is Morganite? Morganite is a beautiful, soft-pink gem that is growing in popularity . It is a form of the mineral Beryl which puts it in the same family as Emerald. But, …

  9. ABC News Exposes Mail Away Cash for Gold

    We’ve warned you of the dangers of mailing your jewelry away before, and now here’s one more reason to try a local jeweler first. ABC News has done a story on the major Cash for Gold operations that you see advertising on TV. As you will see, their offers are not exactly generous. Arden Jewelers has been buying jewelry in Sacramento, CA for over 20 years. We have a proven track record of being one of the highest bidders in town. Don’t take a risk mailing your gold away only