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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Synthetic sapphires”

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  1. Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story

    … thousands of years. But, what if anyone could own them? At gem shows and museums, I have seen jaw dropping rubies, sapphires and emeralds. These gems in high quality have put ownership beyond most people to justify the price. Just a one carat… and crystal structure as a natural gem, it would be very hard to tell them apart. In gemology we call this a synthetic gem. Synthetic gems are not bad, fakes, or the curse of a modern society. So a man made synthetic ruby has the same exact …

  2. Unique inclusion in a lab grown diamond

    What Are Lab Grown Diamonds?

    … and their cousins, and not everyone uses these terms in the same way. So, let’s begin with some vocabulary. Synthetic. Understanding this term correctly is the key that unlocks this entire question. Synthetic can mean artificial or even fake… can also mean man-made, copied, unreal, or even imitation. But, in this context, what do we mean when we say “synthetic diamond”? In the gemological world, synthetic is a highly technical term. When speaking technically, synthetic gems are …

  3. Fake Diamonds: The Great Diamond Attack

    … is quite demanding. So what is a real diamond? Let’s start with the older diamond look a likes, (CZ, GGG, YAG, Synthetic corundum and spinal, Glass) or simulants are quite easy to separate. The diamond tester and understanding gem properties … of 0.0104, and a specific gravity of 3.21. More creative uses of this man made gem are in the pipeline. The Big Bad Synthetic In the gem world we use words with particular meanings. Synthetic is one of those words. Synthetic, in the gem world…

  4. Lab grown synthetic diamond Type IIa tester with diamond

    How to Tell If a Diamond Is Natural or Lab Grown

    …. If you are not familiar with lab grown diamonds, you might want to check out our introduction to lab grown and synthetic diamonds before continuing with this article. So, now you know that lab grown diamonds are just as real as natural … Disclosure The first thing to realize is that most lab grown diamonds are clearly and responsibly disclosed to be synthetic. The big scare in the jewelry industry is non-disclosed lab grown diamonds that are sold as natural diamonds. But, it …

  5. Group of loose spinel gemstones with finished jewelry

    Gem in the Spotlight: Spinel

    … out of the shadows and be appreciated in its own right, and we can see why. Its colors rival even the best rubies, sapphires, tourmalines, and other more popular gems. For only the 3rd time in the last one hundred years, the industry is … create spinel in even more colors than it is naturally found in. Because of how easily it can be created in a lab, synthetic spinel has been used to imitate many other gemstones (ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, zircon, etc.). In fact, the …

  6. Rough lab grown man made diamonds

    Is a Lab Grown Diamond Right for Me?

    … logical decision about what kind of diamond is right for you. First of all, if you’re not sure what a lab grown or synthetic diamond is, please check out our basic introduction to lab grown diamonds before reading on. So, how should you …of a lab-grown diamond is fairly comparable to natural diamonds. However, you can still save 10-30% with a lab grown synthetic over a natural in most cases. Also, the savings go way up if you are looking for a colored diamond (natural colored …

  7. Early attempts at making lab grown diamonds

    How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

    …carbon, and so making artificial carbon crystal was the problem of lab grown diamonds. For decades, manufacturers of synthetic gemstones tried growing diamonds like they grew rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. It failed. Then they had the idea … earth when a rare type of deep volcano brings them up to where humans can find and mine them. The first successful synthetic diamonds were made by mimicking nature with High Pressure/High Temperature (HPHT) manufacturing. There are three …

  8. Collection of sapphire jewelry and loose sapphire gemstones in many colors

    Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire

    …, sincerity and tradition, it has been said that when Moses received the Ten Commandments they rested on tablets of sapphires. Marriage partners put great faith in the stone. If its luster dimmed, one knew his or her spouse had been unfaithful… gemstone, the sapphire has been treasured for thousands of years. Kings and queens have always believed that sapphires represent divine favor. The color blue was considered sacred and was worn by priests to show their connection to the sky …

  9. Tanzanite is a beautiful blue purple gemstone that is very rare

    Gem in the Spotlight: Tanzanite

    … to match. Yet, even with its dynamic look, Tanzanite is still less in price than better known gems like Rubies, Sapphires, and Emeralds. There are many shades of color in the Tanzanite gem market. Some Tanzanites are extremely light blue. … place Tanzanite as the fifth most popular gemstone after the “big four,” which consist of Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, and Emeralds. Tanzanite jewelry makes a great gift for anyone born in December, or anyone who just likes beautiful