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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “18kt band worth”

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  1. Alternative metal wedding band options for men

    Alternative Metals for Men’s Jewelry

    … an alternative metal for your wedding band, but today there are some excellent options that are definitely worth checking out. Bloodwood makes stunning rings that are strong, scratch resistant, hypoallergenic, lightweight, and very …Until very recently, men only had a handful of choices when choosing a metal for their wedding band. Gold, silver, and platinum are all excellent metals which make great wedding bands, but with the advent of new … of the new “alternative metals” (and non-metals) and explains why you may want to choose one for your wedding band. Titanium Titanium is an excellent metal for wedding bands. It is naturally silver-white in color, but it can be treated …

  2. Evaluating inherited estate jewelry can be tricky

    How to Value Inherited Jewelry

    …, to many people, is a “caveat emptor” or “buyer beware” area of life. How a small polished rock can be worth the same amount as a car or a house will never be understood by some people. A big reason for this is that evaluating jewelry and… owner could only find a willing buyer at that price. So, how can we fairly determine how much a piece of jewelry is worth? The Standards of Jewelry Value The standard of value establishes the dollar value of a jewelry item based on a set …

  3. How to Sell Jewelry on eBay and Other Websites

    …back from you. You also have to know if the person making the deal is that person or faking their identity. If you take travelers checks make sure they are in us dollars. I was given some checks in another country’s dollars and it was worth pennies on the dollar (this could happen with other checks as well). Make sure their funds have cleared your bank. Take the time to understand all the rules. If selling jewelry online isn’t for you, visit Arden Jewelers and get a free…

  4. The Birthstones

    … wearer of diamonds. The diamond has been a symbol of eternal love since the 15th century, when Archduke Maximillian of Austria sealed his engagement to Mary of Burgundy with a diamond ring. Of all jewels, the diamond is supreme and worthy of the name precious stone. It qualifies for all the virtues implied in that term: brilliance, hardness, rarity, antiquity, purity and permanence. Learn more about Diamond May’s Birthstone: Emerald A symbol of love and rebirth, the …

  5. Understanding the Diamond Buying Game

    … very poorly cut diamonds. The general public knows GIA is a quality lab and mistakenly thinks the diamond is quality. The Dirty Little Secret of Diamond Grading So, two 1.00 carat H VS2 accurately graded diamonds from GIA labs can be worth thousands of dollars apart. How? One way is the cut of the diamond. Diamond one can be a nice cut (61.5%) and diamond two could be a very poor cut (68%). Another way is both can have a 61.5% depth but diamond one has the correct crown…

  6. Get more cash for your gold and jewelry from Arden Jewelers

    How to Sell Your Jewelry

    … can’t command premium price. In fact some styles are so out of favor that the jewelry’s only value is its intrinsic worth. The other extreme is that the jewelry could be antique. Antique jewelry is highly collectible and may require a … many times justify the restoration costs but most of the time damaged jewelry is only valued at its intrinsic worth. Jewelry repair in many instances is counter-intuitive. I have seen jewelry that has been mangled in such a way that the …

  7. Lasers are now used for jewelry repair

    Laser Jewelry Repair

    … be fixed with a laser. Now Arden jewelers can help our clients take the personal jewelry out of the storage box, fix it, and bring that sentiment back into their life. Jewelry is a very personal item in our lives sometimes monetary worth has nothing to do with what gives it value. Now some basics, what is a laser? LASER is an acronym for “Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation” which produces a sharp, focused light beam. The benefit of the laser is …

  8. Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story

    …examination of the gem. Some synthetics are poorly made and can quickly be identified. Other synthetics are so well made it is impossible to id them in jewelry and can only be positively identified in gem labs with millions of dollars worth of equipment and world class personnel. Synthetic diamonds on the high end and synthetic quartz on the low end are both very difficult to positively identify as synthetic. Both, I feel, are impossible to identify in a piece of jewelry…

  9. Collection of loose and mounted quartz gems of various types

    Gem in the Spotlight: Quartz

    … Quartz Gemstones Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals in the earth’s crust, but there are still many noteworthy examples that have been found. One of the most famous quartz specimens is the “Berns Quartz,” named after the donors … very high clarity with sharp facets that somewhat resemble the facets of a diamond. That said, they aren’t worth anything close to what a comparable natural diamond would be. So, the next time you see “diamonds” for sale online for a few …